Saturday, 5 November 2011

What's the secret to happiness?

Don't know but if you find it can you tell me, I need a boost in the happy times department.

Ask me anything

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

A profound paradox

Ask me anything

What do you put on your french fries?

Got to be McDonalds fries, I dip them in my chocolate sundae, it's the best!

Ask me anything

Things Could Be Worse

Do you ever want everything? Is getting everything even possible?
Can someone be happy, successful and contented at the same time? Maybe, but it's hardly ever seen. I suppose Sir Richard Branson is all of these, he seems to enjoy life but does he have regret also?

Take no notice of me I'm just in one of many mood changes which, seem to be a daily thing for me lately. I feel frustrated, at times I feel lost, others I feel centered and knowing where I'm going. It's a strange and complicated ride I'm on. I'm like Melbourne; four seasons in one day.

It's tiring when on a downer but exhilarating when on a high. Trying to make the right choice today is not working, leave it for tomorrow is my excuse but that day never comes, does it!