Sunday, 30 October 2011

Death of Internet Freedom

You may recall the much publicised Australian Internet Filtering Bill which was set to go through Parliament and become law. Thanks to those who took a stand against this draconian step backwards, who like myself and other saw this as anti-Australian. Thankfully through the leaking of the URL data content to the Australian media, the Internet Filtering Bill died a sudden death.

However today, I read the USA has a similar objective and has initiated steps to have a Internet Filtering Bill censor what Americans can view, publish and access via the World Wide Web. Although this Bill has not be passed yet, it certainly something which should be of concern to all Australians. If this Bill is passed, don't be surprised if Australia will follow suit - most times the political leaders of our Country mirror their actions on the USA. Freedom of speech, democracy and our birth rights of being citizens of a "Free Country" all amount to jack, when these type of laws are thrust down our throats.

The millions of brave men and women who gave up their lives fighting in wars to bring down tyranny and defended people's rights to freedom, would be horrified to learn of such blatant acts against its citizens rights.

As Chris Richardson from stated, "reading about PROTECT-IP, I’m reminded of the following scene from Revenge of the Sith:"

Chris goes on to say, "However, instead of applause, it seems that apathy or ignorance rules the day." What a spot on observation. A troubling lack of knowledge, more to the point, not too many people seem to give a toss. Ironically it's that I'm alright jack fuck everyone else attitude which will come back to bit these self interested people on the ass. Again with an ironic twist, they seem to be the first people to start bitching about their losses.

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