Thursday, 27 October 2011

Why Can't People be Like Dogs!

Just left to pick up some dinner, was gone maybe 20 minutes. Walking to the front door I can hear 'Harvey' (that's my dog) barking and whining - he's always so happy to see me. He practically turns himself inside out when I return home.

Granted he's probably one of the most spoilt dogs in Australia, but I dare say it wouldn't matter if I fed him crappy dog food or didn't give him yummy treats, he'd still give me all his unconditional love.When I transpose how Harvey greats me and how he's just plain happy to spend time with me, to some of the relationships I've had, I really do sit here and think WTF!

Is it too much effort for anyone to leave a note saying they're going somewhere? I don't think so. In fact I think it's just common courtesy. I'm sure if I took a week's holiday but didn't tell my partner where I was going she'd be right fucked off. And yes she'd have every right to feel this way. So why is it she's unable to leave a simple note when she left for work at 5:30am telling me she wont be home till 9:30pm cause of some training course.

I don't think I'm being unreasonable.
Hence why it would be cool if people were more like dogs.

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